One way to make money easily on the internet is through blogs, blogs where we make or we build a quality blog to be easy to get the job of the advertiser or the advertiser or buyer links. As for the criteria of quality blogs are as follows:
1. Having a PR (Page Rank High)
2. Alexa small (slim)
3. Unique Visitor per day (day) a lot
4. if possible on the first page of Search Engine (SE)
To get all the criteria above blog is not easy, but do not worry about it all. you can find references on google about the ways to meet the above criteria.
This time, I will discuss one of the business programs online via a blog that is PTR (Paid To Review) where you are asked to review a site or make a posting on the blog by adding a link from the advertiser. The program is named Sponsoredreviews. PTR site is very promising for the bloggers who pursue Online Earning. because the offer from this site usually range between $ 2.5 - $ 50 depending on the quality of the blog and the advertiser.
To register on this site, one of the conditions is a blog PR 1. and if sdh di approve, do not forget to nge-bid every day. nge-way bid in Sponsoredreviews namely:
Login -> Find Advertisers -> Current Opps -> Bid all the jobs that are available. (Note: do not forget when ngebid, check the Hide Opportunity after Bidding.
Furthermore, for the next day, re-do the bid, how Gini.
Phase 1:
Login -> Home -> Advertiser Pending Approval -> Delete (Select All), all checked -> click the Delete Selected button at the bottom -> do for the next page, if still there ->
Phase 2:
Find Advertisers -> Hidden Opps -> Bid Everything -> proceed to the next page. Done.
Job wait to come stay. there is usually a notification via email. Next job is done before 24 hours. Do not worry with this program. Sponsoredreviews not scam